a slice of this girl's blessed, blessed life

Friday, January 20, 2012

january in the chicagoland suburbs

so i stated below that one of my goals for 2012 is to complain less about the weather during the winter.  however, when i saw this on mealsandmiles.com i knew i had to write a post to show life from the other side.

what a freezing cold day!

it is gloomy out and chances are we won't see the sun all day.  it was 8 degrees when i left my house this morning.  my jeans froze when i hit the fresh air and my nose immediately began to run.  the forecast predicts a 100% chance of snow today with 4-8" likely.  the heaviest snowfall will be during the rush hour commute home.  maybe it will be like last week when it took 10 minutes to pull out of my industrial park and i almost skidded into the back of a tow truck--it took double the time to get home. my poor husband who works in the city left his building at 5 and didn't get home until 6:45 because the snow was messing with the train schedule.  he was rewarded with 40 minutes of snowblowing our driveway and the older couple next to our's driveway. 

you ask, but what about the quiet peacefulness of a snowy night?  well, that may be a bit cozy but the magic breaks the next morning when you have to snowblow again and risk your life on the substandardly plowed roads.  over time the snow melts and over night it freezes.  then one morning you're wondering why you're lying on your back staring at the sky in your work's parking lot.  it is because you slipped on the ice and you better dust yourself off before someone comes around the corner and runs you over.  one day spring comes and all the snow that was plowed in parking lots is still six feet high and an interesting shade of grayish yucky because of all the dirt it collected.

and that my friends, is january in the chicagoland suburbs.  if you're lucky enough to be spending january in florida think to yourself there's no place like home.  as i write this the snow is starting to come down.  though this post is completely tongue and cheek, if it is snowy where you are i pray that you have safe travels home. 

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